Live Aligned Assessment

You were created to live a God-designed life with more grace and less grind. Understand your Live Aligned Quotient to begin the journey.

Your life is aligned to the extent you are in agreement with God in three ways:

When you are out of alignment in any of these areas, you operate in self-defeating efforts. Instead of being driven by love, because God is love, you are driven by fear. Ultimately, you live beneath the glory of God for which you were created.

The Live Aligned assessment will measure your relationship with God, yourself, and others. It will help you see what may really be in the driver’s seat of your life: Love, Performance, or Fear.
I feel completely loved by God.
I feel completely accepted by God.
I feel completely forgiven by God.
I feel completely protected by God.
I feel completely provided for by God. 
I feel God has a good plan for me no matter what setbacks I encounter.
I feel my life is pleasing to God.
I experience the Presence of God.
I experience answers to my prayers.
I am familiar with God's voice and know when He is speaking to me.
I completely accept and love myself as I am.
I take responsibility for my thoughts, choices, words, and actions.
I forgive myself quickly and easily when I fail.
I embrace my imperfections and flaws.
I value my God-given gifts and strengths.
I actively use my God-given gifts and strengths.
I feel like my life/work is making a difference in the world.
I feel like my results in life are in line with my efforts in life.
I feel like I'm moving toward the vision for my life.
I feel worthy of good things happening for me.
I love my family and friends completely as they are.
I accept my family and friends completely as they are.
I forgive people quickly and easily.
I consciously treat others the way I want to be treated.
I consciously use my words to encourage and uplift my family and friends.
I consciously look for ways to help people.
I resolve conflicts with people quickly.
I feel loved and respected by my family and friends.
I enjoy my family and friends.
I enjoy being with people.